J22 Sailboat Rental

J22 Sailboat Rental

FYC sailing maintains a J22 sailboat, well-equipped with main, roller furling Jib, a Torqeedo electric engine, two Torqeedo batteries, radio and life jackets. The boat is kept on a floating dock across from the club and is only available to members or auxiliary members of the club to rent for a morning or afternoon.

To be eligible to take out the boat, you must be pre-certified. To be certified, a member must have the following:

  1. A CT Safe Boating Certificate (or PWC)
  2. FYC certification from one of the appointed sailing instructors
  3. A Signed Liability Waiver

The boat is accessed via the club launch which can be hailed by radio on Channel 14. There is a Torqeedo Electric Engine on the boat to be used primarily to get in and out of the Harbor, not for cruising. Each battery will run for 45 mins at full power and there are two batteries, one for the morning and one for the afternoon. 

To reserve the J22, log in to the Members area of the FYCCT.ORG website, then go to the Calendar. Select the day that you want to reserve the boat and you will see a link for the morning and afternoon sessions.

To lease a boat for the full day, reserve both the morning and afternoon.

There is also an annual membership fee of $400 that you can purchase by contacting the Sailing Chair. As an annual member, you will still have to reserve the boat in the FYCCT.ORG calendar and a bill for $50 per session will be generated which you can mark to pay in cash later.  This fee will be waived when you take out the boat.

Check-in and Checkout Procedures

To schedule a certification sail or If you have any questions, please email the Sailing Chair: Sailing@FYCCT.ORG

FYC Sailing Certification

To be eligible to rent an FYC J22, the club will be using US Sailing 101 Keel Boat certification.

If you are a beginner with little or no sailing experience, a Basic Sailing course is offered at the club.  The course will be include classroom as well as on the water training. You can sign up for these courses here:

If you are an experienced sailor, to be certified to use a FYC J22 club boat, you will have to do a test sail with a Sailing committee member.

The requirements or the test are available here: 

J22 Sailing Certification Checklist

First Classroom Instruction 9am – 1pm on Saturday May 18. Additional Classes will be scheduled as necessary.

After a member has completed the classroom instruction, we will schedule on-the-water training.  Two students per 4-hour session.

Program Cost $350: Includes US Sailing 101 Keel Boat Course, and J22 Sailing Time. Please bring a check to the classroom session payable to Fayerweather Yacht Club.

A Safe Boating Course will also be available for those who need their Personal Watercraft Certificate PWC – additional cost: $80.

Please email Sailing@fycct.org to reserve your place.

Or click here to sign up